Songs, danses and virtuoso arias at the Burgundy court

During the course of the 15th century, at the court of Burgundy… the remarkable songs of Guillaume Dufay or Gilles Binchois, known for their melodies, alternately sweet and melancholy, meet instrumental pieces: ornamented pieces extracted from Buxheimer Orgelbuch and other virtuoso bass dances.

Redeuntes In Idem, Anonyme, Buxheimer Orgelbuch

Triste plaisir, Gilles Binchois

Spagna à 3, Anonyme, Manuscrit de Leipzig : UB Ms. 1494

Se la face ay pale, Guillaume Dufay

Praeambulum super sol, Anonyme, Buxheimer Orgelbuch

Quant la doulce jouvencelle, Anonyme, Manuscrit d’Oxford : Bod. 213

Wilhelmus Legrant, Anonyme, Buxheimer Orgelbuch

La belle se siet au pied de la tour, Guillaume Dufay

Spagna à 4, Anonyme, Manuscrit de Bologne : Q18

Praealudium super Re, Anonyme, Buxheimer Orgelbuch

Pour deleissier tristesse et joye, Anonyme, Manuscrit d’Oxford : ms. Bod. 213

Ce jour de l’an, Guillaume Dufay
