
Apotropaïque, (adj): Something that brings the evil away.

…What if the ills of the century were transformed by music…

Clémence Niclas, voice and flute

Marie-Domitille Murez, gothic harp

Louise Bouedo-Mallet, bow fiddle

Clément Stagnol, medieval lute


ApotropaïK’s 1st record is available for sale on our website! Go to the store

It will also be available for streaming on all platforms from September 29! Listen here!


In February 2023, ApotropaïK had a great week of residency at the Athens Music Conservatory, as part of Eeemerging+.

A perfect framework to prepare the new program of the ensemble !

Until August 2023, ApotropaïK belongs to the european programm Eeemerging+


From 2023, the Royaumont Foundation supports ApotropaïK as an ensemble in residence Discover the foundation

In the media section, discover the concert given in October 2022 within the walls of the Abbey.

ApotropaïK scooped 3 prizes at the York Early Music International Young Artists Competition 2022 ! They won Cambridge Festival Prize ; the EEEmerging Prize ; and the Friends of York Early Music Festival Prize.

Discover the new teaser of the ensemble !

Apotropaïk wins « Jeunes Talents Sinfonia » competition of 2019 !
The festival Sinfonia en Périgord is going to support the ensemble in many ways : concert in the festival, workshop, and several concerts in Périgord. Details to come…


In the media section, remembrance of the show Générations France Musique, le live of January 12, 2019 at the Theater of the Alliance Française. Go and look !

Novembre 16, 2017 : Apotropaïk wins the 1st prize at the 2nd edition of the Vanves Early Music Competition!

To know more…

About us

‘Apotropaïque’ is a French adjective meaning an object or saying used to protect against evil or misfortune. The members of the ApotropaïK ensemble chose this evocative name to unite them in their passion for medieval music. They met at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Lyon and were taught by some of the leading specialists in medieval music.
The repertoire of the ensemble goes from the twelfth century to the fifteenth century, from the first troubadours’ songs to the birth of Renaissance music. The ensemble is particularly interested in instrumental or vocal monodies such as the French and Italian estampies or the Cantigas de Santa Maria. Its members also like to immerse themselves in the repertoire of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries by playing the instrumental diminutions of the Faenza Codex or the Buxheimer Orgelbuch, the Bourgogne court songs or the melodies of the heart-shaped songbook.
The ensemble gave its first performances at the Cluny medieval music centre in Paris in November 2016. Then, after winning the first prize at the Journées de musiques anciennes de Vanves competition in November 2017, they were invited to several festivals and concert venues in France and Europe. In July 2022, they took part in the York International Young Artists Competition, winning the Friends of York Early Music Festival prize, the EEEMERGING prize and the Cambridge Early Music prize.
ApotropaïK is in residence at the Royaumont Foundation (2023-2025).

The first recording of the ensemble : “Bella Donna” is available since june 2023 (label Édition des Abbesses).



  • August 15, 2024, 20h30, Saint Maurice Church of Villiers-les-Hauts (Burgundy) – Program “The harp, the potion and the sword” in Les Rencontres musicales de Villiers-les-Hauts. Discover the 6th edition of the festival here
  • October 5, 2024, 17h, Royaumont Foundation. Program “Souvenir oublieux”. More informations about the Royaumont Festival 2024 here
  • November 26,2024, 20h30, Chapelle de l’Antiquaille (Lyon, FR) – Program “The harp, the potion and the sword” in the winter season of Les Saôneurs. Details to come.
  • May 28, 2025, Louvre Museum auditorium’s (Paris, FR) – Creation of “Du trobar au tarab”, new interculturel project. Details to come

…Passed events

May 19, 2024, 14h, Minoritenkirche of Regensburg (DE), Tage Alter Musik Regensburg. Program “Bella Donna”

June 8, 2024, 19h30, Musée de Cluny (Paris) – New program  “Charles VII, mélomane”, dealing with the exhibition “Les arts en France sous Charles VII”. Informations here !

July 10, 2024, 12h, York (UK) in Holy Trinity Micklegate, 86 Micklegate (map and direction) – Festival NCEM, program “Souvenir oublieux”(alias “Charles VII a music lover”). More details here.

July 11, 2024, 21h45, York (UK) in Undercroft, Merchant Adventures’ Hall, Fossgate (map and direction) – Festival NCEM, program “Bella Donna”. More details here.

July 28, 2024, 18h, Sainte-Geneviève Church in Loqueffret (France, 29) – Program “The harp, the potion and the sword” in the festival Au Coeur Des Monts d’Arrée.

August 3, 2024, 21h, Simiane-la-Rotonde – Concert in Les Riches Heures Musicales Festival. Program “Bella Donna”. Discover the festival here

February 22, 2024, 19 h, Saint Catherine’s college chapel in Cambridge (UK), masterclass for the Cambridge students and concert. Program “Bella Donna”

February 24, 2024, 20h, Saint-Pierre-Le-Vieux Protestant Church in Strasbourg (France). As part of the AMIA (Friends of Music on Ancient Instruments). Program “The harp, the potion and the sword”.

March 16, 2024, 20h30, Georges Meyer cultural center in Dambach-la-Ville (67, France). As part of the AMIA (Friends of Music on Ancient Instruments). Program “The harp, the potion and the sword”.

December 8-9, 2023 – Territorial action week-end in Val d’Oise (led by Royaumont Fondation).

December 10, 2023, 16h – Survilliers (Val d’Oise) – Program “The harp, the potion and the sword”.

November 5, 2023, 16h, Unité d’Art Sacré de Gosnay (in Béthune-Bruay, 62, France). Program “The harp, the potion and the sword”.

September 24, 2023, 11h – Ambronay Festival, Monteverdi’s room. New program “The harp, the potion and the sword”. Details here

July 12, 2023, York (UK), National Center for Early Music.

July 15, 2023, Riga (Lettonie), Early Music Festival. New program “The harp, the potion and the sword”.

September 17, 2023, 15h30 – Royaumont Foundation Festival – New program “The harp, the potion and the sword”.

June 26, 2023 – Camargo Fondation in Cassis – Concert and workshop within the framework of Aix-Marseille University’s symposium.

March 25, 2023, 20h – Notre-Dame de la Gloriette Church (Caen, France). A partnership with Caen Theater. “Musique médiévale pour Yseult” a creation about Tristano and Iseut legend.

October 1, 2022, 16h-18h – On the radio : Générations France Musique, the Live – in Alliance Française Theatre (101 bd Raspail, Paris VI)

October 2, 2022, 11h30, Royaumont Foundation Festival – Details and reservation here

July 26, 2022, 20h, Ancy-le-Franc (89160, Yonne) – in Musicancy festival. Details and reservations here.

August 3, 2022, 20h, Festival Les Nuits d’été (around Aiguebelette lake)

August 28, 2022, 11h30, Church of Montfaucon (25395, Doubs)

March 7, 2022, 20h, Lyon – in Les Rendez-Vous de Musique Ancienne  – Chapelle du Lycée Saint Louis – Saint Bruno, 16 rue des Chartreux, 69001 Lyon.

June 12, 2022, 15h30, Saint-Sulpice-des-Landes (44540, Loire Altlantique) – Church of Vieux Bourg de Saint-Sulpice-des-Landes.

July 1st, 2022, 20h, Lyon – in Les Saôneurs festival – Chapelle de l’Hôtel Dieu.

July 3, 2022, 17h et 21h, Usson (63490, Puy-de-Dôme)- in 4th Rencontres Culturelles d’Usson.

July 4, 2022, 21h, église de Dore-l’église (63220, Haute Loire) in Par-quatre-chemins intitulé Notes Errantes #4.

March, 11 to 16, 2022, ApotropaïK will be in workshop in fondation Royaumont.

July, 15 and 16, 2022, the ensemble will take part of York Early Music Festival (UK) for the early music competition. Click and see the finalists.

August 11 and 12, 2021 – 21h, Saorge and Breil-sur-Roya – Program “Bella Donna” at Festival de musique ancienne de Saorge et Tende. https://www.facebook.com/fmasaorge/

August 22, 2021 – 11h, Abbaye de Ligueux – Program “Bella Donna” in Sinfonia en Périgord. Sinfonia en Périgord

September 3, 2021 – 20h – Cloître Saint-Vincent in Chalon-sur-Saône. Program “Bella Donna”
Saison Musicale du Cloître

September 4, 2021 – 20h30 – Église Saint Maurice de Villiers-les-Hauts – Program “Bella Donna” in Rencontres Musicales de Villiers-les-Hauts. Les Rencontres Musicales

September 19, 2020 – 19h – Dordogne – Concert as part of heritage days.

August 2020 – Périgord, Sinfonia’s festival – Program « Ay Santa Maria » – REPORTED

April and june 2020 – workshop and concerts in Périgord with Sinfonia’s festival -REPORTED

November 16, 2019 – 15h30 – Rustrel’s church – Creation about troubadour music.

August 21, 2019 – 18h30 – Sablé Early Music Festival – Program “Ay Santa Maria”.

August 28, 2019 – 15h – Sinfonia en Périgord (Périgueux) – Program “Aÿ Amours”.

August 8, 2019 – Simiane-la-Rotonde Festival (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) – Creation of a new program : “Le chant de l’oiseau pèlerin”. European travel trough music and tales of the 14th century.

July 28, 2019 – 16h – Gröpelinger Barock Festival of Bremen – Program “Adieu amour”. www.groepelbarock.de

July 15 to 21, 2019  – Cité de la Voix in Vézelay (France) – Creative residency and daily concerts.

February 8, 2019, 20h19 – La Courroie, Entraigues – Program “Aÿ Amours”

February 7, 2019, 20h – Chartreux high school’s chapel in Lyon, “Saison musicale des Chartreux” – Program “Aÿ Amours”
January 12, 2019, 16h – Théâtre de l’Alliance Française (Paris, France) –  radio program Générations France Musique, le live. Public and live broadcast. Podcast here.

November 8, 2018, 18h30 – Nantes, “Heure musicale du jeudi ” at the conservatory – Program “Aÿ Amours”

August 12, 2018 – Bruges MAfestival/Vélo baroque – Program focused on the Cantigas de Santa Maria/Llibre Vermeil

March, 2018 – Festival Mars en Baroque, History Museum of Marseille – “Aÿ Amour!”

February, 2018 – Cluny Museum, Paris – “Adieu mes amours” (concert and workshop)

May, 2017 –  Cluny Museum, Paris – “Chansons, danses et airs virtuoses à la cour de Bourgogne au XVe siècle” (concert and workshop)

November, 2016 – Cluny Museum, Paris – “Le Moyen-Âge finirait-il en Italie ?” (concert and workshop)


To see

Lai du Chèvreuille : overview of our program “The harp, the philter and the sword”, September 17, 2023, Royaumont Festival

July, 14th, 2023 – Interview for Latvian TV

Discover the concert given in October 2022 within the walls of the Royaumont Abbey. Royaumont. The Royaumont Foundation supports ApotropaïK as an ensemble in residence since 2023.

A short presentation of the work of the ensemble.


Cantiga de Santa Maria

Stella Splendens

Quarte estampie

To listen

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    Design TBCréation / ApotropaïK